Adirondack Fulfills The Christmas Wishes of Four Children
Halfmoon, NY - Adirondack Basement Systems teams up with the Chamber Angels, a program of The Chamber of Southern Saratoga County. The Chamber Angels provide holiday gifts to underprivileged children by generously donating toys, clothes, and other personal items. The Chamber Angels program identifies less fortunate children who would most likely not receive any gifts for Christmas through area schools and other non-profit organizations. Children’s wish lists are provided to individuals and businesses who agree to sponsor the child and fulfill their wish lists. All the gifts are distributed back through the schools or agencies, insuring that each child receives their desired gifts before the holidays.
The Chamber of Southern Saratoga County is a membership-based business organization representing over 900 businesses in the region. The mission is to work for members, customers and stakeholders to create a successful business environment, provide valuable resources and be a vigorous advocate for the business community, enhancing the quality of life in Southern Saratoga County.
Kevin Koval and his staff have generously signed up to fulfill four children's wish lists for the holiday season.